Pool Maintenance

Doing Pool Maintenance

TotaServices a gradually rising and a well-known organization escalating to its peak through the support of clients and desperation of improvements, are happy to serve you in maintaining your villa with skilled labor and managers, even when you are abroad or not a regular resident of your villa. TotaServices is happily presenting you with an online platform where your precious house becomes our responsibility under your supervision and complete control of your good self. Through your private page provided with a login and a password, you will be able to manage and stay updated about the work being done at your villa.

Pool maintenace gives a clean swimmingpool

Swimming pools are no doubt a luxurious aesthetic as well as a very good source of entertainment, relaxation, and exercise. Whereas if being beautiful and advantageous at one point a pool not well maintained can be unhygienic, looking bad and can contribute to illness. Maintenance of the pool is a difficult task and requires some basic skills but TotaServices proudly presents a complete solution to these problems under the name of Pool Maintenance Service Package. This service package is a complete set of skills and services required to have a healthy and beautiful swimming pool at your house without any worries about it.

Pool maintenance, not always that easy.

The most difficult and time taking task is of cleaning the pool, which includes the removal of relatively very small particles, some of which can't be removed easily. These particles are a major contributor to the low hygiene of the pool as well as they can affect the people utilizing that pool. Our service does not only include cleaning of the pool it also provides vacuuming of the pool to ensure the removal of almost all the particles and making it safe and clean. To take this assurance to another level the filter in the water pump is also cleaned to make sure that there is no clogging of particles, which might affect the health of the pool. Hygiene of the pools is not only related with the visible particles but also the microorganisms and salts ratios of the water to ensure that the water in the pool is safe in all ways salt and chlorine level are checked throughout the year and to ensure the efficiency quality measures such as chlorine and pH value check are also considered.

Our Pool service package

The major focus of the Pool Maintenance Service Package is to look into the hygiene of water and the pools so the services also include tarpaulin, roller shutter, or apron check/cleaning. Moreover, the services also include maintenance of the swimming pool as per season namely winters and summers. This is related to the temperature of the water, which brings to another service which will be provided and that is the maintenance of the heating system of the swimming pool. The services will further include the control and maintenance of the pool time switches and other systems such as electrolysis pH and Chlorine. With your trust and support, a healthy pool for your house is our responsibility.


Totaservices.com can do the management and maintenace of your villa at the French Riviera.  When you choose for Total package of Totaservices we monitoring and your home on a regural base and check around and the house if everything is OK. We do small maintance when there is need for. And we take care of your garden and swimming pool.

You can follow our rapport (text, photo’s and video’s) on your own private page on our website.

If you looking for professionals supervising and maintaining your villa be free to contact us.

If you are looking for a second home, our partners of TotaVilla can help you, visit there website here.


garden maintenance

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